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The Achilles Heel for Runners: Achilles Tendinopathy
Achilles Tendinopathy – the achilles heel for runners! With the nature of the last few years, many of us have had interruptions to our exercise routines. For runners especially, this can significantly increase the risk of injuries. Missing a period of training due to lockdowns or other reasons can make us want to train extra…
Top 9 Neck & Upper Back Strength Training Exercises
Neck exercises and upper back exercises are often ignored by recreational athletes in their training programs. This article covers some great neck exercises and upper back exercises and is a great time to review and revise your regular strength and conditioning program. A typical program for recreational athletes includes 1-3 strength sessions per week. Typically…
Remedial Massage Therapy for Dancers
The Benefits of Remedial Massage Therapy for Dancers The art of dance is so highly praised for its level of physical discipline, training and seemingly effortless performance. The amount of muscle and endurance training that goes into becoming a dancer is extremely difficult work, but not only that, the strength and skill required to make…
Reduce Soccer Injuries this Season with These 4 Strength Exercises
Reduce soccer injuries with some very effective strength training exercises. With the soccer season almost underway, the clinic will be busy treating a lot of preventable muscular injuries such as quad, hamstring, groin and calf muscle injuries. Soccer is a demanding sport with high numbers of sprint efforts, changing direction and interacting with other players…
How to Warm Up: Top Tips to Prepare You to Perform at Your Best
Warming up before competitive exercise is a widely accepted practice by both coaches and athletes. If you’ve ever played a sport, you’ve probably been through some jogging and stretching exercises before taking the field. Most of us have heard that we should be warming up before exercising. Competitive sporting teams will usually go through some…
The (5) Easiest Ways to Increase Your Incidental Exercise
Exercise can be hard any time of the year. It is particularly hard in the cooler months when the morning sun takes a little longer to rise, particularly in Canberra. That’s why incidental exercise is one of the easiest ways to keep you moving. There-in lies the key to this notion: movement. The more you…
What is Chest Physiotherapy and how will it help me?
The start of 2020 had been shocking for Canberrans in terms of weather. Hazardous air quality indexes, car-destroying hail, record heat temperatures and too-close-for-comfort bushfires had led to an extremely unpleasant time. At the time, Sport and Spinal Physiotherapy, saw a real spike in terms of the number of people attending due to chest and…
Frequently Asked Questions About Jaw Pain
What is the Medical Term for Jaw Pain? The anatomical name for your jaw is the Temporomandibular joint or TMJ for short. Temporomandibular joint disorders are a group of conditions that cause pain and dysfunction in your jaw and the surrounding muscles. Usually pain in the jaw is not a sign of a serious problem.…
Best Rehab Plan After Total Knee Replacement Surgery
New knees! TKR! A bionic knee! Whichever you like to call it, a total knee replacement is fast becoming a very important operation within our society. Replacing a joint is a safe and effective procedure to relieve pain. Furthermore, correcting leg alignment and the ability to assist you to return to normal activities can be…
PEACE & LOVE: Say Goodbye to RICE for Your Soft-Tissue Injury
PEACE & LOVE A recent editorial piece in the British Journal of Sports Medicine introduced a new acronym(s) for the care of acute injuries and their subsequent management. Here I would like to outline the changes that have taken place over the years in the understanding of basic soft-tissue injury management. RICE was the first…
All You Need to Know About Osteoarthritis!
Everyone has heard of osteoarthritis (OA) but not everyone knows what it is. Although it is the most common chronic condition of the joints, most of the time it is not the cause of ones symptoms. This article will better equip you with the knowledge of OA and how to best manage it. What…