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5 Ways to Boost Healing
Why is healing taking so long? Here’s 5 ways to boost healing: Have you ever found yourself wondering why healing is taking a bit longer than you expected? There is, of course, an average timeline for rehabilitation that varies depending on the nature of injury and individual factors. No two timelines will be exactly the…
5 Ways to Relieve Back and Neck Pain in Your Desk Job
Back and Neck pain is one of the most common things we see here at Sport and Spinal Physiotherapy. Perhaps its not surprising given such a large proportion of Canberrans work a desk-job. And it’s the sort of injury that can have a significant influence on all aspects of your life. According to the Australian…
5 Healthy Training Habits for Over 55
Hello! It has been so nice being back in the clinic and seeing a lot of clients readying themselves for the next step in their specific recovery. This is especially true for my personal favourite type of client – the over 55! Not only do they bring plenty of wit, charm and personal stories, but…
Reduce Your Risk of Spraining Your Ankle this Basketball Season
Spraining your ankle shouldn’t be underestimated! Ankle sprains are the most common on-court injury in basketball resulting in more game time lost per player than any other injury.With a staggering 2 million cases reported each year in the USA(1), it’s concerning that a significant 40% of these injuries are left untreated(2). This neglect can…
Take Control of Your Sciatica!
In this article, we’ll tell you how to take control of your sciatica! The term sciatica is often used by people who experience sharp shooting pain down the back of the leg. However, there can be numerous other causes or injuries that can happen within that area of the body that can produce similar symptoms.…
The Top 5 Trail-Side Stretches for Mountain Bikers.
Back aches on the way up Stromlo? Hip or knee pain on the way down? Looking for an excuse to purchase an e-bike ? This article is for you, save your money! Stretch some more! You’re too young for that e-bike anyway! Here’s 5 physio endorsed stretches for mountain bikers while you’re out on the…
Choosing a Knee Operation or Not? What You Knee(d) to Know
Greetings! It has certainly been a while since I have posted. Today, I will cover having a knee operation (and non-operations) for acute knee injuries. The demography of Australia reflects an ageing population with a slowing birth-rate. This places the entire healthcare system under a growing weight of under-resourced and under-staffed. For Australians to seek…
What are the Best Running Shoes for Your Feet?
What are the best running shoes for your feet? In the last 15 years, there has been a huge increase in the variety of running shoes. However, with extra choice comes more decision making. How do you know which shoe is best for you? I’ll attempt to explain the different attributes of various running shoes,…
Top 8 Stretches for Cyclists -Decrease Discomfort and Risk of Injury
Cycling can be an excellent form of exercise that offers numerous health benefits, but avid cyclists can often encounter the challenge of muscle tightness which stops them from riding longer or more often. Furthermore these tight muscles can not only lead to discomfort but can also impact performance and increase the risk of injury. So…
5 Tips to Speed Up Your Recovery During Soccer Pre-Season
It’s that time of the year again. You’ve realised you haven’t done as much preparation for pre-season as you’d hoped and unsurprisingly, your weekday mornings are made up of aches, pains and muscle soreness. So how can you make the pre-season much more manageable? What’s best for recovery during soccer pre-season? Recovery during soccer pre-season…
Top 5 Posture Tips for Preventing Headaches – How Physio Can Help
Keen to know that top 5 posture tips for preventing headaches? To be clear, we are referring to the type of headaches that physiotherapists deal with – cervicogenic headaches. If you are not sure whether you are suffering from cervicogenic headaches, have a read of this article . Otherwise, consult with your GP or physiotherapist.…
How To Make Your Squats Better And Pain Free!
Squats is an area that requires a good base of knowledge and understanding. Unfortunately it’s not an area that gets much (if any) decent attention to detail for such a common movement that is performed in everyday life, and at all ages. Firstly, this article is for individuals to; Understand proper technique and how…