Best 10 Tips for Better Sleep

March 14 – 20 is Sleep Awareness Week, so I thought it was appropriate to talk about sleep,  how it affects your mind and body, and how to sleep better. Sleep is something most of us complain that we don’t get enough of. We all know that 8 hours is the magic number and that…

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Can Physiotherapy help your headaches?


Headaches and migraines are a serious burden for many people. I’ve had many occasions where I’m treating someone in the clinic for a completely different injury and they mention that they get frequent headaches. After asking a few questions we often have enough information to say “did you know that we can probably fix it?”.…

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Vertigo: How Physiotherapy Can Stop Your World Spinning!


Do you ever experience dizziness or vertigo, or feel like your world is spinning? Is your dizziness, or vertigo brought on by movements of your head? You may have a condition called ‘Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo’ or BPPV.   What is BPPV? Benign Paroxysmal Position Vertigo (BPPV) is the most common inner ear problem and…

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