Stretches for Gardeners: 8 best stretches to keep you pruning for longer!
Stretches for Gardeners: Pick the word that doesn’t belong in a gardening scene: a) Weeding b) Planting c) Stretching d) Watering
Read MoreHow to Improve Your Golf Swing Without Hitting a Ball!
Are you looking to improve your golf swing? In this article, I’ll outline various exercises you can easily do at home that will help with your golf swing. Golf is a very difficult sport. Many suggest that it’s a great way to ruin a good walk. However, for those of us that take some perverse…
Read MoreTightness vs Stiffness – Understanding the difference
Do you suffer from muscle tightness or stiffness? Let’s find out the difference between muscle tightness and muscle stiffness. Fixing the problem once and for all is naturally the focus. However, we need to delve deeper than this to truly understand the problem. “My back is as stiff as a board.” “This part of my…
Read MoreYour Child’s Posture: 6 Exercises to Strengthen the Serratus Anterior Muscle
The Serratus Anterior Muscles and your child’s posture. The accessibility to technology has increased tremendously over the last few decades and children now have the ability to access amazing opportunities that were once unheard of. It has however, placed greater stress on our health and wellbeing with significant increases in neck and shoulder pain. The…
Read MoreKayaking vs Stand up Paddle Boarding for core fitness
Kayaking and Stand Up Paddle boarding are both great ways to enjoy the summer and now that summer is here it’s time to get out on the water! Are you bored of the repetition of the gym and need some fresh air? The lake in Canberra is becoming more user friendly. So, you are primed…
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