The (5) Easiest Ways to Increase Your Incidental Exercise

Riding to work couple

Exercise can be hard any time of the year. It is particularly hard in the cooler months when the morning sun takes a little longer to rise, particularly in Canberra. That’s why incidental exercise is one of the easiest ways to keep you moving. There-in lies the key to this notion: movement. The more you…

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What is Chest Physiotherapy and how will it help me?

Chest anatomy chest physiotherapy

The start of 2020 had been shocking for Canberrans in terms of weather. Hazardous air quality indexes, car-destroying hail, record heat temperatures and too-close-for-comfort bushfires had led to an extremely unpleasant time. At the time, Sport and Spinal Physiotherapy, saw a real spike in terms of the number of people attending due to chest and…

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Best Rehab Plan After Total Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee Anatomy

New knees! TKR! A bionic knee! Whichever you like to call it, a total knee replacement is fast becoming a very important operation within our society. Replacing a joint is a safe and effective procedure to relieve pain. Furthermore, correcting leg alignment and the ability to assist you to return to normal activities can be…

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I have ruptured my ACL! What happens now……

pain in front of knee

An ACL Rupture – what is that 3-lettered acronym, A – C – L?  It is your Anterior Cruciate Ligament. It is a dreadful experience to tell someone in the clinic that you suspect that their Anterior Cruciate Ligament is “gone.” Naturally it is downright awful for the client. We live in a very lucky…

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